Mark and Cindy Dunagan - Our Story

 For 28 years, we raised a family just west of Portland, Oregon. On a hike up a mountain of evergreens in 2014, an idea for a Nomad Quest was born, and vast preparations have ensued since around the ridding of excess in favor of freedom ― jettisoning the superfluous to better enjoy what matters most.  Having now liquidated most of our possessions and having fine tuned our plan, we now happily live out of our Airstream van every spring and autumn.  This Nomad Quest is, all at once, both a daunting and liberating voyage as we explore, learn, and grow in this world's most amazing classroom --- God’s people and all creation! 

We're happy to have you along to share our travel stories and beyond on our blog and podcasts! Listen to our podcast below to hear our love story, and the other podcasts that follow!

Mark & Cindy Dunagan